The day finally arrived! With the camper all packed and the house ready for my friend Kris to move in, we drove up to Port Wing, Wisconsin for the annual Fish Boil. This beautiful, small town on the south shore of Lake Superior, is where David's dad grew up. We typically spend Labor Day weekend there with Nancy (David's sister) and her husband, Steve. This year was no exception.
The Fish Boil attracts hundreds of people every year and has a very Swedish vibe. The food is all white: boiled fish, boiled potatoes, boiled onions, coleslaw, rye bread (ok, the bread is light brown). All served on a white plate, slathered with melted butter and all the beer you can drink. It's surprisingly good!
We always spend one cocktail hour at the cemetery to honor David's relatives. Part of the ceremony includes a bit of Manhattan cocktail poured onto the graves. If you knew the Carlsons you would understand.
The weekend includes a 5k race (we used to run it, now we walk it) and lots of hiking, good times and laughter.
Our cat, Daphne, seems to be adjusting just fine. We are so happy to have her along with us. We only locked her in the closet once - it won't happen again.